Friday, April 15, 2011

Long Time, No Blogging

Hello dear readers (if there is actually anyone reading this blog).
Not that you care, but I haven't posted in awhile and am finally returning to the blogging world!
I just made my dear mother a blog, and she is my first official follower. Hooray!

I've done quite a bit of reading so far this year, which includes:

  • The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins
  • Catching Fire, Suzanne Collins
  • Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins
  • Flash Burnout, L.K. Madigan
  • Hamlet, William Shakespeare
  • A Beautiful Mind, Sylvia Nasar
I would recommend them all, and will probably start making 'movie/book review' posts.

This year, I have also seen the films:
  • I Am Number Four
  • The Green Hornet
  • Sucker Punch
Last year I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, which was immensely enjoyable as were all the others. It's quite sad to see the Harry Potter series come to an end - many of us have grown up with Harry, Hermione, and Ron, and it's almost like losing a close friend after these long years of entering their adventures through Rowling's wonderful writing.
I'm late on seeing Donnie Darko, but it is a fantastic film and Jake Gyllenhaal portrays the title character amazingly. Jena Malone is also in this film, as well as Sucker Punch, and was brilliant in both.

I've been taking lots of pictures, finishing up high school (I should have my diploma in the fall), and will soon be attending Prom! (Tomorrow, to be exact.)
Yes, I am attending Prom with a good friend of mine and my sister's, Chancelor. He is indeed very good company and an excellent individual to converse with, so tomorrow evening should be quite fun.

Hoşça kal! (Turkish for 'goodbye'.)

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