Sunday, October 24, 2010

Meeting Rick Riordan

Last night, October 24, 2010, was one of the GREATEST nights of my life!
Why, you ask?
Well, I spent five hours at La Cantera with some of my best friends, got to play with iPads and GarageBand in the Apple Store, and met one of the best authors of my time, Rick Riordan!
It was definitely worth it. The place was hot, and crowded, and full of kids and adults pushing their way to be able to see him, and I had to go up and down the escalators to get good pictures, but it was amazing when they finally came to our ticket letters, RR.
He's so nice, just as I thought he would be! I got my books The Lightning ThiefThe Red Pyramid, and the opening novel to his new series The Heroes of Olympus, The Lost Hero, signed.

Now you're all going to think I'm foolish for not realizing this before, but he lives in San Antonio! I know, I know—how did I not know this before?
Well, anyways, it was a great night with great friends and I got to meet a great author and it was just...GREAT!
Here are some pictures.

I ran into my friend, Ashley Smith, at the Starbucks inside Barnes & Noble.

Can you say, HUGE CROWD?

Meeting Mr. Riordan after over five hours of waiting, and him signing my book.
I was absolutely beside myself, as you can see by the look on my face.

So yes, last night was extremely eventful, and great, and epic, and...I'm way tired now.

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